Rewarding Fan Loyalty While Delivering a Tangible ROI


The Brief

Following the commencement of its partnership with Experience Kissimmee, Rangers Football Club came to us to look for help in launching the partnership in it’s dedicated Fan Zone.

During a briefing call with both Rangers and Experience Kissimmee’s marketing teams, various key objectives were discussed and it was agreed these would be used as a means to measure the success of the activation.


The Solution

Given the nature of the key objectives, it was agreed that our Lockbox activation, which has very quickly become one of our most popular activations, would be the perfect activation for the event. A simple concept, it’s ideal for driving footfall and harvesting consumer data.

Working in conjunction with Rangers’ marketing department, we created a fully-branded Lockbox landing page, which was the customer-facing element of the activation. It is through this page that fans would be able to take part in the activation.

Once created, we then generated an embed code which allowed Rangers to host the landing page directly on it’s site. What this meant was when being promoted prior to the event, Rangers could drive traffic directly to it’s site, rather than our third party site.

Away from the landing page, we also created branded screens for the interactive element of the Lockbox itself. These screens included a welcome screen, a code input screen, a winner screen and a loser screen. Each of these screens included the Rangers colourways, Rangers club crest, and Experience Kissimmee logo.

In addition to the screen designs for the box, we also applied a vinyl wrap to the exterior if the activation, which helped include further brand awareness opportunities.

One of the final pieces of the puzzle was setting up automated emails for those taking part in the activation:

  • Email 1 – thanking the user for taking part and also sharing their randomized unique code

  • Email 2 – a winner email which was sent to participants who were lucky enough to have a winning code

  • Email 3 – a loser email, thanking participants for taking part

  • Email 4 – an email for those who had exceeded the maximum number of entries

In each of these emails, we included messaging for Experience Kissimmee, as well as links to it’s site.

Once all the elements had been created, tested and signed-off, it was time to combine them altogether.

External shot of Rangers' Edmiston House venue
Man holding smartphone as he enters his details into an online form

Rangers launched an event page on it’s site where the activation landing page was hosted, and then broadcast an email to it’s database to tell fans about the activation and also drive them to the event page so they could take part.

Once on the page, fans simply submitted their name and email address, as well as opted-in to receive marketing communications. Within a minute, fans received ‘Email 1’, thanking for them for taking part, sharing their unique six-digit code, and listing what the prizes were.

For those who didn’t receive an email from Rangers, signage was created to be displayed at the physical event, which included instructions for entry and a QR code to take them to the event page.

Once everything was in place, a clear user journey was established:

  1. Fan receives email from Rangers OR scans QR code during live event

  2. Fan inputs name and email address on the Rangers website

  3. Fan receives their unique six-digit code

  4. Fan approaches physical Lockbox during live Fan Zone event and inputs their code

  5. If fan wins, Lockbox pops open and a member of staff hands them their prize from inside


The Results

On the day of the event, in the Fan Zone, fans queued from 12pm to 3pm (the entire time the Fan Zone was open) to take part in the activation, in the hope of being a lucky Lockbox winner. One after the other fans input their code into Lockbox.

There wasn’t a moment, during the whole event, where there was no one taking part. In fact, the popularity of the activation surpassed both Rangers and our expectations; about 20 minutes into the event, we realized a queuing system was required to help us handle the volume of participants, and a number of barriers were erected to help us manage the queue of fans.

Following the event, though, we were thrilled to see some of the stats off the back of the activation.

Rangers’ email campaign, to promote the activation and drive traffic to the event page was broadcast at around 3:30pm on the day prior to the Fan Zone event. The Fan zone commenced at 12pm the following day, and ended at 3pm – meaning the activation had less than 24 hours to gain as much traction as possible.

Set up of the Experience Kissimmee Lockbox Challenge in Rangers Football Club's fan zone
Man taking part in Rangers' Lockbox Challenge
Image showing queue of supporters waiting to take part in Lockbox Challenge activation at Rangers' fan zone
Signage with QR code

After analysing the performance of the activation, we were able to circle back to the initial objectives which were set out in the briefing stage, to see how the activation did on delivering on each of them. We were thrilled to see that Lockbox had managed to deliver on all the objectives discussed at the outset.

Hannah MacLeod, Senior Marketing Executive at Edmiston House commented:

“Social Jungle supported a partnership activation in our match day Fan Zone with a digital lockbox activation. Graeme, at Social Jungle, was extremely supportive throughout the process and the activation was well received by supporters and met the marketing objectives set by the partner. I would highly recommend Social Jungle if you’re looking for effective experimental marketing activations.”

When taking the stats generated by the activation into account, particularly in relation the initial objectives, it’s clear that this activation was right on the money and delivered in every way possible. Add feedback from the client to these stats too, and it’s fair to say the Experience Kissimmee Lockbox Challenge was a huge success


Contact Us

If you’d like to talk to us about delivering a similar Lockbox activation as this for your next campaign or event, or would like to discuss other concepts, please get in touch.

And if you’re not sure which activation would be right for your particular event, don’t worry, we have plenty of other activations and ideas which are ideal for an array campaigns and events.

Graeme Geddes