Soar At intu Braehead 2019

The Brief

Following a competitive pitch, we were appointed by the intu Braehead team to provide a 9-day activation piece during the ever-busy October half-term break. The marketing team were looking for a vibrant activation which would appeal to families of all ages, allowing them the opportunity to play together.

The Solution

As the date of the activation was very close to the Halloween period, the marketing team decided they would like to go down a fun ‘Halloween’ theme for the zone. Our proposal aimed to take the significant 10m x 5m space at SOAR and turn it into a fun ‘arts and crafts’ Halloween themed area, which would allow families of all ages to engage with each other away from the usual scenes of iPad’s and smartphones.

The arts and crafts included various colouring sheets and crayons (suitable for all ages) as well as craft paper, glue and accessories such as googly eyes and pipe cleaners. Perfect for creating a Halloween spider or pumpkin.

For the area itself, our vision was to allow the intu Braehead team to take control of the activation zone over the 9-day period, allowing them the ability to have a completely ‘clean and clear’ activity area at the start of every day. For us, ease for the client to manage was critical and with such a long run with a large amount of footfall, the activation would have to look ‘as new’ throughout. With this in mind, we created a clearly sectioned area with green carpeting and white picket fencing, with entry points which also acted as contained storage for arts, crafts and cleaning equipment – perfect for keeping the area tidy.

A number of tables and chairs were set in place with orange tablecloths to tie in with the Halloween theme, and in ‘safe’ areas (i.e. away from trip/slide hazards), we set up some child friendly Halloween pumpkins and scattered leaves for an autumnal feel. The outer fencing area was decorated with various cobwebs, spiders and orange and black streamers to tie in with the theme.

Finally, to allow a bit of fun engagement, we provided our magic mirror, where families could take the perfect selfie with their new creations and share the outputs via email and text directly to their phones. The magic mirror output was branded with the client name and campaign hashtag, and the outer shell was themed in a Halloween style.

The Results

The client was delighted with the output and the ease of being able to monitor and deliver the activation using their own team with ease.

  • 63% of attendees used the digital engagement piece

  • 99% of Magic Mirror users allowed the use of their imagery for future marketing purposes

  • 28% of attendees who used the Magic Mirror were happy to provide their contact details for future contact

For more information regarding this case study of any of our other services, please email us.

A Halloween themed area, in which young children can be seen having fun and doing activities
Three children posing for a Halloween photo booth, holding carved pumpkins
Graeme Geddes