Enhancing The Retail Experience
The following concepts will make use of a number of activations which Social Jungle can deploy to help add a little something extra to their shopping experience while visiting you.
All the activations on this page will:
Enhance their shopping experience
Encourage consumer interaction and engagement
Introduce new ways to drive traffic to your website
Introduce new ways to drive revenue
Provide a vehicle for the shopping centre to increase reach
Produce content which the centre can use post-event
Provide an opportunity to capture consumer data
Lucky Squares
Using either physical photo booths stationed in the shopping centre, or through virtual photo booths (accessed by QR codes), our social mosaic activation will take shoppers’ photos, and use them to create an amazing mosaic either on a giant screen or for each photo to be printed and for shoppers to stick their own photos onto a large mosaic grid.
Before the activation begins, various squares (as many as you wish) will be designated as ‘winning squares’, meaning that when a shopper’s photo is assigned to that square by our software, they’ll win a prize.
This is a great way to engage with shoppers, drive footfall, reward their loyalty with prizes, and also, should you wish, harvest consumer data.
In terms of the mosaic itself, the final image generated by the software can be absolutely anything you wish!
Click the enquiry button below, to learn more about our Lucky Squares activation.
Looking for a way to drive footfall to your shopping centre or a particular store, Lockbox is a great solution.
Working in conjunction with our virtual photo booth (online quizzes coming soon), Lockbox gives shoppers an opportunity to have a bit of fun with our online booth (which can be fully branded for you), and then the chance to be a winner.
After taking their photo/selfie through the online booth, they’ll be sent a unique code which they can try inputting into the digital keypad on the front of the lockbox, with the winning code unlocking the door for the winning shopper able to claim the prize inside the box.
With the ability to brand the box as well as the online booth, this activation is the perfect way to raise brand awareness, as well as drive footfall, reward customer loyalty, and capture customer data.
Get in touch today to find out how we can bring lockbox to life for your shopping centre.
360 Catwalk
What better way to show off the new season’s clothes by using our 360 booth.
Selected shoppers or models, once dressed in chosen outfits, can hop onto the 360 booth, and ‘work the camera’ as it swings around them, capturing their outfit from every angle possible, showing off the wonderful clothes available in the centre.
The centre can share the videos produced by the booth on its social media channels (complete with their branding), as part of its marketing efforts to increase footfall.
The activation can also be opened up to the general public, allowing them to show off their own outfits while visiting your centre. Once shoppers step off the platform, they’ll be able to instantly share their (branded) video via email or text message, ready for them to share on their social media, should they wish.
With the ability to brand the platform, sharing tower, and the videos themselves, this is a great way to increase brand awareness, as well as drive footfall and capture consumer data.
Click the enquiry button below to talk to us about deploying the 360 catwalk in your shopping centre.
Instagram Rooms
Transport shoppers into another world or dimension with our Instagram rooms. Whether you opt for one of our pre-built rooms or something custom-built to tie in with your brand, campaign, or event, these are sure to be a hit with shoppers.
Our team of craftsmen and fabricators can design your room in such a way, that it can be easily (and safely) assembled on-site, ready for shoppers to stand, sit, swing in - whatever they want! Our flexible installation team is also able to come and both build and dismantle your room outside of your opening hours, to ensure it doesn’t interrupt with shoppers’ experience.
Take the experience to another level though, and combine it with one of our photo booths, to create a gravity-defying output which will not only look great, but will create a fantastic talking piece which others will want to get involved in.
If you’d like to talk to us about one of our pre-built rooms, or would like to enquire about having built especially for you, please get in touch using the button below.
The concepts on this page are just a flavour of some of the activations we can deploy in a retail setting, to help drive footfall, encourage customer and brand loyalty, and capture consumer data. Our team can create bespoke concepts for you though, to ensure your activation is one-of-a-kind and meets all of your objectives. Check out some of our most popular digital activations and previous experiential work, before getting in touch with us, to discuss how we can ‘WOW’ your customers and deliver a meaningful ROI for you.